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For parents of students wrapping up their junior year of high school.









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發表於 2024-3-9 14:32:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Amoretti syrups, of course.. Here are some ideas for short-form videos you could post in March. A time-lapse video of your team switching over your store to spring merchandise. A mini-tutorial on a seasonal topic.ex., a home cleaning service offers five tips for spring cleaning your closet. A behind-the-scenes look at your prep for a special day.ex., a bakery shows its process for making mini-pies for Pi Day. A recap of a seasonal event you hosted at your brick-and-mortar location.ex., an Irish pub shares the best looks from its St. Patrick.s Day costume contest. Host a webinar Webinars are a fantastic way to showcase your team.s expertise and build your prospect mailing list.

Start by brainstorming topics your ideal customers would want to hear from you about. These should be something more complex than you.d cover in a social media video but not something so thorny you can.t speak to it in minutes or less. A Iceland Phone Number real estate agent might partner with a local mortgage lender to host a webinar for first-time homebuyers, helping them prepare for the busy spring and summer season. A garden center might do a rundown of spring planting basics and share suggestions for the best types of plants to select in various environments.low water, high shade, etc. A college or university might host a .college search .

March content ideas - webinar topic example Source Don.t forget to promote your webinar. Post about it on your social media, send email invites to existing contacts, and create a customized landing page on your website where interested prospects can register. You might also consider putting some advertising dollars behind your webinar promotional efforts to help you reach a wider audience.  Are your Google Ads campaigns ready to effectively promote your March content. Find out with our free Google Ads Grader. Launch a seasonal newsletter Maintaining a newsletter is a big undertaking. It requires constant attention

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