When the negativity of Impostor Syndrome is affecting you, then, can help you move past those insecurities and see them for what they really are. For instance, do you ever doubt a final article even though, when writing it, you were so caught up in the flow of writing and sure that it fits with the project at hand? Do you feel like your writing isn’t good enough and feel stuck where you are? Begin to recognize these thoughts and feelings as Impostor Syndrome, not reality. Counteract them with your own self-talk of positivity and confidence in yourself and your abilities. 3. Don’t Let Misconceptions Rule Common generalizations or stereotypes are common today. Yet, it’s time to forget what you’ve learned or what others perceive as the definition of a writer, author, or freelancer.
Don’t let these misconceptions provide an excuse for dismissing yourself, diminishing what you do, and comparing yourself with others. You are your own brand of freelance writer, writing for a living and getting paid for it. You don’t have to measure Bahrain WhatsApp Number up to some preconceived notion, stereotype, or generalization. You write; therefore, you are a writer. You published an article; therefore, you are a published writer. Don’t feel the need to quantify your accomplishments in order to define yourself as a freelance writer. You are not an impostor. Join our Talent Network .
Constantly Review Your Accomplishments Regularly reviewing your past accomplishments can fuel your confidence and prove to yourself that you are not an impostor. Brainstorm your accomplishments. Include degrees or certifications earned, new clients obtained, and fees collected. Celebrate every accomplishment, small or large, whether it be a 500-word blog post for a client or a thousand-page white paper. Compile reminders of your accomplishments, such as: Create a freelance writing portfolio and regularly update it. List out your accomplishments and look back at this list often.